PO 215
Chatham, NY 12037
United States
Contact Person
Franci Saunders, Co Director
Email Address
Phone Number
Services Provided
- Mediator and/or Dispute Resolution Services
Description of Services
We offer a range of services for addressing conflicts or having difficult conversations. We offer conversations and processes for farm transitions and farm leases and for other issues including; workplace issues, interpersonal farm family, credit and debt, neighbor disputes and usda contracts.
Mediation is offered when there is a one on one or multi stakeholder conflict. A mediator will help participants deal with issues, brain storm and explore options and try to find a workable solution. Mediators are trained to work in situations where there are power differences, complexity and strong emotions.
Conflict Coaching is a process used to help an individual get clear about their feelings and needs, options and next steps when there is a conflict.
Facilitation is offered when a group would like help with discussions about complex issues.
Discussion Rounds are offered to farm family or farm teams and are structured conversations designed to build understanding. These discussion rounds include, reviewing your farms past, talking through the farms present and future, defining shared values and crafting a shared vision. These discussion rounds can help get a farm transition process started or be used to surface and reconcile differences during a farm transition.
Our FREE RESOURCES can be downloaded at
Communicating Through Your Farm Transition: Workbook and Discussion Guide
Farm Leases: Discussion Guide
Feedback & Difficult Conversations: Communication Skills for Farm Managers
Service Area
Agriculture-Related Experience
Description of Agriculture-Related Experience
How do you offer services?
- By phone
- By video conference
- In our office
Free or Discounted Rates
Description of Pro Bono or Discounted Rates
For situations that don't qualify a low cost fee may be charged.
Language Accessibility
Office Accessibility
Office Accessibility Information
Anti-Oppression Trainings Completed